Monday, September 25, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
My 2nd Birthday Party!!
This morning all the grandpeeps and some carefully selected friends assembled at our house for an adult-oriented brunch and some kiddie birthday fun. While Papa was busy running the eggs benedict assembly line, most were found out in the beautiful sunshine and relaxing in on our patio. Mommy set up a sensory table of lentils with elephants hidden in them as well as a paint station. Mommy is too good. We eschewed the cake and enjoyed some home-baked pink sprinkle cookies in the shape of what else, elephants!

Head over to my world on Flickr and check out the rest of the pics.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Hanging with Silver
Tonight Mommy and Daddy are going to dinner at the Waterfront Restaurant to celebrate Gramma J’s 70th birthday. Also in attendance will be: Gramps, Papa Jack, Nana and Grammy Sam. It’s my birthday too this weekend, but nobody thought to ask me to the Waterfront – This girl loves her tenderloin and crab legs! Oh well, Silver and I will stir up trouble on our own.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Poop Schmear
Mommy and Daddy awoke to the horrifying scene of me having once again smeared my poop all over my crib, the walls, my face, body and hair. They were not pleased. Daddy yelled REALLY loud at me. I cried. I got put in a dark corner of the bathtub and hosed down like a Chinese defector. I got a time-out for 30 minutes. Daddy made me look straight ahead at the refrigerator for the whole 30 minutes. I was not allowed television. I like poop.
After a tense post-Apoopalyptic start to our day, we headed over to the nearby home of Joe, J.P. and Owen Moriarty and mommy/wife Lynn Burgess for a reunion of the current and former Cosmopolitan Kiddos. Joining us for the backyard brunch were: the ubiquitous Don, Amy and Henry Light, and Sam McKnight with daughters Bailey and Sydney. But the star of the show was our former caregiver and ray of light, Cindi Togar. It was so great to run wild in their beautiful backyard and catch up with all my pals.
After a nap of credible length Daddy and I headed off to Erika Newman's to celebrate her 2nd birthday. Also there were Campbell Smith and newly appointed Director Doug E. Fresh. We enjoyed playing with the toys, sang happy birthday, had some Winnie the Pooh birthday cake and watched her open her presents. It was a fun party and Daddy was psyched that the Seahawks game was on in the background.

Daddy rushed me home from Erika's to help Mommy put the finishing touches on getting the house and dinner ready for our guests Liz Tan and her beau Greg E. Pie. Mommy had been slaving in the kitchen for almost two days preparing chicken enchiladas, ceviche, an arugula and jicama salad, and a flourless cake with ancho chillies and chocolate. Greg and Liz brought tequila but sadly I crashed out before the real fun began.
In order to eschew the poop, Daddy literally stuffed me into a zippered pajama that is about 2 months too small for me. Mommy is trying to convince him that I'll do fine in my separates. Daddy then reminds her that separates are what have allowed me to get "into this mess" and insists to her that further use of separates will require handcuffs. I'm a gonna try and keep it poop free tonight.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Whirlwind of a Day
Today Mommy and Daddy dumped me off with Don, Amy and Henry Light so they could head over to Gretchen and Chad Frampton's to help them out with a few projects around the house. Gretchen has been on bed-rest for weeks and weeks as she is pregnant with twins and one guy can't take care of two kids, work a fulltime job and get all the projects around the house done too. It wasn't really like Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, but Mom and Dad were glad to pitch in and I had a great time with my pal Henry at the Woodland Park Zoo's member appreciation day.
After an all-too-brief 30 minute nap it was off to my first day at Sponge for my sophomore year of Spanish studies. Admittedly I was a bit of a turd since I was operating on basically no nap, but I did manage to get in an hola and an adios. We are going to HAVE to get my class switched to the mornings or this is simply not going to work out.
Next on the agenda was to congregate at Ballard's Senor Moose Cafe which features handmade regional Mexican fare. Joining us were: Nana and Papa, Bob and Mary Wildenhaus, with Henry, Don and Amy Light. We supped and had a merry time. Daddy didn't like is mole though... Too bitter.
From here we all, ironically sans the Lights, headed to Green Lake to participate in the annual Light the Night fundraiser. Mommy managed to raise over $500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society! It was a beautiful evening and there were thousands of people out with their illuminated red balloons.
After a long day with no nap, I was done. We were joined at home by the aforementioned for a bit of pear cobbler, but I had to check out for the day. Hopefully we'll have our nap routine dialed a bit better tomorrow.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Back Porch BBQ
We headed over to the Herron's for a back-porch BBQ hoedown at their Puget Sound-facing West Seattle estate. Anne-Marie's parents, John and Nancy Keaveney were there all the way from Boston with friends Rita and Joe in tow. Also there were Papa and Nana, Gerard Denommee with son Phin and daughter Briere, as well as his wife Kathi Cronin. The good grub included: marinated steak, crab legs and copious amounts of Manhattans to go with my Dragon Tales. FYI, no smooch-mouth with the Phinmeister this time around.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Mom and Dad go to Lark
Tonight Don and Amy Light brought Henry over to be watched at our house while they all went to Lark on Capital Hill. We had a great time goofing around and eventually crashed about 8:30PM. I hear the dinner was fantastic and that it's someplace you should go if you haven't. I wonder if they have apple juice and Cheerios.

Friday, September 8, 2006
Lincoln Park Picnic
Tonight the family three headed to Lincoln Park in West Seattle to join up with a whole gaggle of friends: Anne-Marie and Brett Herron, Sue Cronin and Kathi Cronin, Briere, Phin and Gerard Denommee, and Brynn and Pat Reardon. Check out more pics here at Flickr.