Sunday, August 28, 2005

Weekend In Chelan

Along with our entire PEPs group, we were invited to the Lake Chelan home of fellow PEPs peeps Lynn, Mak and Marques Abulhosn. Wow, what a good time! The weather was great, their home was amazing, swimming in the pool with Daddy was awesome, and hanging with my friends was excellent. Will it be an annual event? Hopefully!

Check out just a few pics in my Lake Chelan Gallery.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Comso Situation

Tonight all of the parents of Cosmopolitan Kids, my beloved daycare, were called for a last minute meeting by the owners Stephanie Roberts and Shawna Smits. As bearers of bad news, they informed us that they will be closing the center one week from today. This is a big problem folks. More on this as it develops.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Infection: Ears, Eyes & Sinus

After a rough weekend of getting more and more under the weather, Mommy took me to the doctor's today to get a diagnosis. It turns out that I've got an ear infections in both ears, eye infection and a sinus infection for good measure. Add that to the full time teething, and you've got a recipe for one unhappy girl.

They gave me some eye drops to be administered 4x daily to help with the weepy eyes and Amoxcillin twice a day. At least the Amoxicillin is a yummy bubble-gum flavor. Getting well soon I hope.

Very sick and not too happy about it

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Danskin Triathlon

This morning Daddy and I headed down to Genesee Park to watch Grandma Cynthia and Mommy participate in the Danskin Triathlon. With over 5,000 participants and 15,000 spectators, it was quite a spectacle. I'm so proud of Grandma and Mommy for their commitment and completion of this event. Thanks to the following people for coming out in support of my gals: Doug, Tia, and Campbell Smith, Deb and Lance Logan, Anne-Marie Keaveny and Brett Herron, and the Cronin-Denommee crew: Kathi, Gerard, Sophie Briere and Phelan.

Look at me eyeing Mom's prized medal

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Cowboy Junkies

As yet another in the Woodland Park Zoo's concert series, the fam and I rendez-vous'd with friends to take in the sounds of the Cowboy Junkies. The weather was nice and cool as was the music.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Crooked Club Classic IV

This weekend Daddy disappeared into the desert of Potholes in Eastern Washington for the Fourth Annual Crooked Club Classic golf tournament. From what I understand, him staying awake past 9:30PM on Saturday night was a very big deal.

In attendance were: Dan Wildenhaus, Bob Wildenhaus, Joe Wildenhaus, Jack Herzog, Bob Herzog, Daddy, Gerard Denommee, Grant Kenn (2004 and 2005 champ), Brett Herron and Lance Logan. The Potholes Golf Resort was once again the scene of the crime. I hear livers are already shivering in anticipation of next year's event.

From left to right: Daddy, Dan, Bob H., Lance, Bob W., Brett, Joe, Grant, Papa, and Gerard

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Violent Femmes

Tonight we headed to the the Woodland Park Zoo to catch the Violent Femmes. Check out a few choice pics:

My pal Campbell Smith hamming it up

Mommy and Me with Daddy lurking

Sunday, August 7, 2005

Getting Zzzz's

Not sleeping well. Bumming out the parents. They are bumming me out. A girl has got to get her Zzzz's when she can. While on a bumpy stroller ride is not what I'd typically select, but I'll be damned if it's going to be when my parents want to sleep. It's the REFUSE TO LAY DOWN campaign of 2005.

Monday, August 1, 2005

Torchlight Parade

In an effort to avoid the throngs and get closer to the Thong (inside joke better left for those in the know), I headed out to Issaquah to spend the weekend with Papa Jack Grandma Cynthia. We had a great time that culminated in a visit to Seattle's Woodland Park Zoo. I especially liked the elephants!