Saturday, December 31, 2005

Ringing In With Style

Monday, December 26, 2005

My Peeps

Christmas is a time for family and friends to gather... Here are some pics paying homage to that. Check me out with my Great-Uncle Bob who made the trek from Memphis, Tennessee and my Grammy Sam all the way from Vancouver, Washington.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve 2005

Tonight was a joyous celebration at the home of Nana Cynthia and Papa Jack in the company of friends and family. The Christmas Eve tradition with my wacky family is to enjoy Champagne while eating Chinese food - after which we view a silly movie (Caddyshack, Young Frankenstein, etc.). The party people in da house were: The aforementioned Grandparentals, Mom and Dad, Great-Uncle Bob Herzog, Anne-Marie Herron and husband Brett, Grammy Sam, and Brett's mom Karen Murphy and husband Pat Murphy.

    The Champagne: Chateau St. Michelle
    The food: Issaquah's Mandarin Gardens
    The movie: Napolean Dynamite (frickin' sweet!)

Ahhh, Napolean Dynamite. An acquired taste I hear, and my family does LOVE this movie. But we love Raising Arizona too. Might you too? Let's see what you're made of!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Our Family Finally in Focus

Mommy and Daddy exchaged gifts with each other tonight and each wound up with some pretty neat stuff. The big gift of the evening was Mommy's gift to Daddy; she got him a new Canon PowerShot S2 1S digital camera that apparently came unexpectedly out of the blue. Dad is pumped and really excited about improving his already respectable photog skillz. With it's increased resolution and zoom capabilities, you'll soon be seeing the best side of yours truly... Stay tuned!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Holiday Newsletter 2005

The family put our creativity to the test and created a holiday newsletter for y'all to enjoy. Click here to download the .PDF version

Friday, December 16, 2005

Santa 2005

This morning the parents took me to the downtown Nordstrom for my annual photo with Santa. After waiting patiently in line for about 45 minutes, I just couldn't take it any longer. Meltdown!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Jingle Bell Run

Today I participated in the Jingle Bell Run benefitting the Arthritis Foundation of Washington. With me was: Nana, Papa, Daddy, Mommy, Anne-Marie and Brett. Papa, Annie, Daddy and I walked while the rest of our gang ran. It was quite cold and foggy, but at least it wasn't raining! Perhaps next year I can have a go at running it myself.

Afterwards we met up with Papa and Nana for some breakfast at Maximilien's. Daddy and Mommy go here fairly often to soak up the French ambiance while taking in the spectacular view of Elliot Bay. Although today the view consisted of nothing but fog. Alors!

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Cosmo Christmas Party

Tonight we hosted the two other families from Cosomopolitan Kids for a quaint holiday celebration. Par usual, it was great playing with Henry and Bailey. It was also great to have guests over to our new house for the first time. Have a look at us as we obsessively play with a basket full of corks:

As never one to by shy, I just can't keep my clothes on when I'm around Henry Light! That kid is cute!

Friday, December 2, 2005

Reunited And It Feels So Good

Tonight my old pal Amy Lower came over to keep an eye me while Mom and Dad were out whooping in celebration of their 4 year wedding anniversary. They went Matt's in the Market for dinner and had a lovely time. Seeing Amy again was wonderful!