Mexican Stand-Off
There was nothing today that was unusual, extraordinary nor special, but Daddy and I did have a Mexican stand-off of sorts after his execution of the now nightly administration of Flovent. Ya see, I need to drink about 2oz. of liquids after consuming the magic air to avoid a nasty yeast infection from taking root in my sweet, sweet mouth.
Those that know me are well aware that I've a determination second to none and said determination reared it's proud and questionably ugly head while defying Daddy from his altruistic intentions of making his dearest daughter imbibe post-inhaler H2O as prescribed. In simple terms for y'all: Twasn't gonna happen.
Not surprisingly and true to form, McDad wasn't willing to play my game so he left me alone to suffer my consequences (but within reach of the bottle of juice/water, with a dangling carrot promise of Dora and Diego videos to come if I were to only drink a little juice/water). It's quite funny to take a critical look at the different parenting styles exhibited between Mommy and Daddy. One is all business while the other is a totally sliding scale of marshmallow yummy-ness.

She who says please is thusly awarded
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