Volunteering, But Not In A Tennessee Sort of Way
Alrighty... Where to begin? Let's not beat around the bush here. I'm teething goddamnit. Therefore I am suffering from an acute bout of diarrhea on top of cranium-numbing pain. Nice, eh? No, not really. When your diaper is filling up with a substance resembling arugula pesto about every two hours, you'll know what hell I'm living through right now. Let's just say that it was a long night that stretched into a long morning. My parents are a bit grumpy that their wake up call this Saturday morning was a painful 5:30AM. And I'm going to feel bad for them? Ha! Again, I'm the one with the molten lava ass here!!
All diaper discomfort aside, today Mom, Dad, and I went to Benefit Playground on the south-end of Beacon Hill for an event sponsored by Starbucks celebrating a recent wave of grants and upgrades to this cute little park. Joining us were Mom's teammates: Elizabeth Tan, Christine Clare, Mary Barrett, Tim Casey, Mark Miller, Johanna Pajanen-Dierks and a whole bunch of other Starbuckians. Our job was to look after the kid's activity table. The activities consisted of planting Cosmos seeds in Starbucks cups and water-coloring butterflies made out of Starbucks coffee filters for the wings and black pipe cleaner for the body/antennae. I kept a watchful eye over the activities from the comfortable climes of a Daddy-supported Baby Bjorn perch.
We ran into a bunch of friends: Jessica Gleeson, Carla and Andrea Archambault, Roger Keaton, Gail Eng, Johanna's family and more. Johanna's youngest daughter is also named Ella. Here's a picture of the two Ella's with my dad...

For more photos from this event, go to my PhotoBlog.
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