Lei'd in Kaua'i
Saturday, 09/17
Travel day. We left Seattle en route to Lihue, Kauai via Honululu with our ultimate destination being the Regency condos at Poipu Kai Resort. It's tough doing two flights as an on-the-go 1 year old. Posh digs in Poipu just about made up for it. Dinner at a forgettable burger joint nearby.
Sunday, 09/18
Woke up at 5:30AM. Daddy and I went for a walk/stroll in the dark of tropical sounds and smells. We revel in the sunrise from the beach walk at the Kauai Embassy. In the afternoon we all headed to Poipu Beach where I had my first saltwater and beach experiences. Fun!! Later that night we rendez-vous'd with Deb and Lance Logan at the Marriott Waiohai for dinner at it's Kiawe Grill.
Monday, 09/19
Mom, Dad and I had lunch at the fabulous Puka Dog restaurant just down the road from our joint. Wowzers... Yum! After that we headed east for our road trip to Waimea Canyon. Unfortunately I got carsick on the windy road and wound up losing my Puka Dog, among other once tasty tidbits. It was worth it at the top though... Gorgeous! At night Daddy and Mommy prepared dinner - grilled Opah with white rice.
Tuesday, 09/20
The day started off with Daddy joining Lance and Papa Jack for a round of golf at the Wailua Muncipal Golf Course. I hear the course was tough and that a lot of sweating was done in the hot Hawaiian sun. Mom, Deb, Grandma Cynthia and I went to Old Koloa town for some shopping. Later in the evening Mommy and Daddy went to a luau at Smith's Tropical Paradise at the mouth of the Wailua River. Here they are jacked up on all-you-can-drink Mai Tai's...

Wednesday, 09/20
Our intent was to go to Lydgate State Park to take advantage of the tide-break protected swimming lagoon. Once there though, we discovered the whole beach was closed due to rough water and high bacteria counts as a result of two hurricanes far off shore. So instead we headed north past Hanalei to where the road ends at the remote Na Pali coast. We saw some incredibly beautiful views of mountain and sea during this drive. The ahi tacos from Tropical Taco in Hanalei made the trip great too.
Here is my taco buddy

Later that evening the grown ups had poolside drinks at the Kaua'i Marriott along Kalapaki Bay. Sheesh - How opulent can one place be?!
Then the eveing was capped off with a wonderful dinner at the locals-only Barbecue Inn. The place is divey and full of both native and Chinese-Hawaiians. The food was astonishingly good.
Thursday, 09/21
This morning Daddy and Mommy headed into Lihue where they met up with pilot Byron Edington for their helicopter trip with Air Kaui. At just under 20lbs., I was well under the 100lb. weight minimum and was truly dismayed that couldn't join them. I hear that this was one of the most exhilarating things they've ever done. Except for dining out at Roy's in the Poipu Shopping Village. They got me the cutest babysitter of all time... A grandmother named Nancy that "filled the pit".
Friday, 09/22
Today hung out at the Marriott's Waiohai all day and soaked up the rays at their wonderful pool. For dinner we grilled some more Opah and made teriyaki chicken with a Caeser salad. We were all lamenting that our trip was soon over.
Saturday, 09/23
Flew home. Got in late. Got a Digiorno to take the edge off. My own bed. Home.
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